Webinar: Targeting corporate activities with transparency: What can we expect from sustainability reporting?

Jenny Asuncion
Jun 21, 2023

The production of oil and natural gas in the United States has soared to unprecedented levels with the discovery of hydraulic fracturing. This has brought the cost of energy down, lowered air pollution and reduced carbon dioxide emissions. Notable though these may be, concerns over drilling activity has resulted in robust debate over the advantages and disadvantages in communities in which these drillings occur – particularly in the ensuing health and environmental harm it causes to water quality.
In this webinar, Christian Leuz, co-author of “Internalizing Externalities: Disclosure Regulation for Hydraulic Fracturing, Drilling Activity and Water Quality”, will discuss the lessons learned from their findings and discuss the disclosure mandates for fracking fluids. He will weigh on the takeaways from the transparency study they found and discuss the implications for transparency regulation targeting corporate activities more generally, i.e., does disclosure mandate help clean up the environment? By extension, Christian will also incorporate some of the proposals for sustainability reporting.